Animated background UwU and tons of relics balancing

General display fixes, and bug fixes.

Add a few new backgrounds with particle effects and animations. Pretty!

Relic balance:

-> perfect_balance:
OLD: if gold is 0 after buying a card, give 2 version of that cards

NEW: change name to doubling: when buying cards from shop, give 2 copies of that card.

-> parting gift:

OLD: when deleting cards from reel, give a copy of that card to your hand.
NEW: same effect, but cards-replace from shop also give a copy too.

-> harmony:

OLD: if all three reels have different card type, upgrade 1 random to CURSE

NEW: same condition, but upgrade all 3 to CURSE

-> anchor:

OLD: if left & right card is the same type but middle is different, DOOM upgrade to the middle card

NEW: same condition, but DOOM upgrade to middle card, and CURSE to the left and right card as well.

-> revive:

OLD: revive upon deal

NEW: revive, after revive, double your MaxHP


-> Fix the cost of sword-level 7 is incorrect (too low)

-> Reset feature now also reset the utility spell

-> Lock cost change from 3 -> 2

-> Utility spell cost increase:
OLD: Cost = 3 + spell-level (spell cost increase per use) - discount

NEW: Cost = 3 + spell-level - discount

IF spell-level = 0, Cost (GOLD) = Mana COST

Healing rewards:

-> Bump the rewards from 33% healing and 33% maxHp increase to 66% healing and 66% maxHp increase

Utility rewards

-> OLD: give 3 random spells

-> NEW: give 3 random spells, but 2 of each (total of 6)

Files Play in browser
93 days ago

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