Tons of new cards, and huge balance change.

+ New spell: Retrigger-all: Cost 15, incremental: +30, Re-trigger all 3 reels, basically, free turn but no spinning

+ New spell: random-trigger: Cost 2, incremental: +1: randomly trigger a reel.

+ New spell: random-copy: cost 2, incremental: +1: randomly copy a reel

+ New enemy-effect: recover: heal-themselves by x amount.

+ Remove power: mana_shield: it's too weak.

+ New power: blood mana. Gain 5 mana for every hp lost

+ New Power: blood gold. Gain 2 gold for every hp lost.

+ Enemy-effect HEAL adjusted: only heal other enemy, not self.

+ Update the icons of the spells.

+ Make so that reward spells that don't cost mana will not have the mana icon show up. This make them looks cleaner.

+ Add more effect and texts to make the game a bit clearer.

+ Revert change to overkill spell. It's actually wayy powerful at 50 value. It's back to 100 now.

+ Fix bug that cause merge-card spell to not work with cards that are not next to each other.

+ Tons of balance fix for enemy health and stuffs.

+ Re-organize the Cards-library page a little bit.

Files Play in browser
Aug 01, 2024

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